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Steal My Traffic

Click here to JOIN and STEAL this ad spot NOW!
It's as easy as signing up and entering your
website link in your SMT account.

Watch for our automated, Steal This Spot,
submitter offer. You'll see it as you sign up.
Click the image above to view this website
Steal this spot now!

Watch for our automated, Steal This Spot,
submitter offer. You'll see it as you sign up.

Steal this spot advertising is where you simply enter a URL and you steal the ad spot on the main sales page and all affiliate pages. Your ad then displays on every affiliate site in the SMT network until someone else steals it from you at which point you need to steal it again.

At SMT we added unique benefits.

1. Your steal this spot ads appear on the main sales page and all affiliate pages of every advertiser in the SMT website. This gives your offers mass exposure.

2. Your offers display for a full 10 seconds before someone else can steal them and you have to steal them back. We even tell you by email when someone has stolen your spot from you so you can login and steal it back. This creates both user engagement and activity and it gets your offers seen.

3. You can steal these ads free, or you can fully automate the Steal My Traffic Site for very affordable one time payments...

4. You can purchase one or more pro or executive auto steal accounts and you can have as many of these auto steal accounts as you need. Watch for our automated, Steal This Spot, traffic submitter offer as you sign up.

With the Pro Account you can enter 2 links and auto-steal 2 spots randomly with a 25:1 ad rotation.

With an executive account you can enter 5 links and auto-steal 5 spots randomly with a 100:1 ad rotation.

Click here to JOIN and STEAL this ad spot NOW!
It's as easy as signing up and entering your
website link in your SMT account.

Watch for our automated, Steal This Spot,
submitter offer. You'll see it as you sign up.
Click the image above to view this website
Steal this spot now!

Watch for our automated, Steal This Spot,
submitter offer. You'll see it as you sign up.

Free members earn 20% for each personal sale. Paid members earn 40% on each personal sale you make.

It's super easy to earn commissions with Steal My Traffic.

Get started today. Simply steal an ad spot above, register, and login to your new account and grab your affiliate link.

Click here to JOIN and STEAL this ad spot NOW!
It's as easy as signing up and entering your
website link in your SMT account.

Watch for our automated, Steal This Spot,
submitter offer. You'll see it as you sign up.
Click the image above to view this website
Steal this spot now!

Watch for our automated, Steal This Spot,
submitter offer. You'll see it as you sign up.

To make sales online you need to control the advertising space and the message and in the members area you can do this and more.

There are two knock your socks off advertising tools that you can find only in the members area of SMT.

There is a Cash Magnet system that will let you own prime real estate at the site.

There is a contact mailer that lets you reach up to 500,000 subscribers over time. You will not find anything else like this on the net.

And there are even more targeted ways to advertise.